CMMS Life-Cycle Management Software for production equipment and associated utilities

CMMS Industry

CAFM Facility Management Software for building, offices and infrastructure


CMMS Life-Cycle Management Softwar for vehicle fleets and railway infrastructure

CMMS Transport

Service management Software for after sale service

Service Management



The processes of maintenance can be subjected to complex procedures of validation and follow-up. Thus, certain companies wish that a task concerning equipment or requests for purchase answering precise criteria be subjected to preliminary validations. Thanks to the procedures of validation, you define personalized rules specifying for each process the stages of information or validation which are necessary. CareOffice the bracket automatically according to the cases: automated email sendings, collection of electronic signatures authorizing or not a particular task.



CareOffice Online includes online applications adapted to your needs.
No need to make initial investments as software licenses and infrastructure. No installation or maintenance, the offer is available as a monthly rental without commitment, including accommodation and service warranty service round the clock.

Preconfigured software for the

         Real estate, Industry or Transport

Avalaible as preconfigured version for the business of real estate, industry and transport, CareOffice is immediately operational. Besides the standard functions, you can adapt to your needs and an integrated report generator allows you to present your maintenance indicators as dashboards. The CMMS CareOffice business package take care of all financial, technical, regulatory and quality processes related to your company’s assets.

Les Modules

Abwasserverband Anzbach-Laabental in Austria

What good is having the best system if it is too complicated to handle and therefore not used? Do not waste time in front of a PC, "says Franz Gross, Technical manager at AWV Anzbach-Laabental.

Priora FM AG

Priora FM AG ist der schweizer Spezialist für den Betrieb und Unterhalt von komplexen Immobilien und Anlagen. Für die Abwicklung der Kundenaufträge setzt die Priora FM seit 2010 CareOffice ein. Neu seit 2014 ist der Einsatz des neuen Moduls Servicemanagement. Über die Rückmeldung der Kundenaufträge kann direkt, unter Berücksichtigung der kundenspez. Vereinbarungen, mit CareOffice die Rechnung erstellt werden. Dies vereinfacht bei PrioraFM erheblich den Prozess von der Auftragsabwicklung bis hin zur Rechnungsstellung. Über eine Schnittstelle werden die Debitoren- rechnungen an das ERP-System Abacus automatisch übertragen.
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